Videos by McFly Angler
View as paged thumbs
- $100 rods worth it?
- 4 species in one day
- 7 Year old fly fishes for bass
- Adams
- Adams Dry Fly
- All Synthetic Foam Beetle
- Amy's Ant
- Articulated Brahma Bugger
- Articulated Rainbow Streamer
- Baby Blue Crab with Claws
- Baitfish Perdigon
- Bead Head Hares Ear
- Bead Head Legged Hares Ear (but not really)
- Bead Head Pheasant Tail
- Beginner Fly Rod Kit Review
- Beginners Guide to Fly Tying Scissors
- Best way to tie a wooly bugger?
- Big Bass Hopper 2.0
- Biot Stonefly
- Blanco River and Guadalupe State Park
- Blue Holographic
- Bluegill Candy
- Brahma Bugger
- Brammer's Mini Pheasant Craw
- Brand New Brush Table
- Brookies on Dries!
- Brush Minnow
- Brushy Creek in Texas.
- Bully Bluegill
- Bully Bluegill
- CDC Collared Caddis Jig
- CDC Hatchmaster
- Chernobyl Ant
- Chili Pepper
- Christmas Island Special
- Chubby Chernobyl
- Clouser with Legs
- Copper John
- Corpus Redfish Fly Fishing
- Crabby Patty San Flea
- Crack Crab
- Craft Fur Clouser
- Cypert's Minnow
- Dragonfly nymph
- Dry Fly in High Mountain Creek
- Dry Fly on the San Juan River
- Dry fly fishing in Texas?!
- Dubbed Body Shrimp
- Dubbed CDC Emerger
- Dubbed Rabbit Leech
- Dubbing Brushes
- Dusky Striped Minnow
- EP Baitfish
- EP Pinfish
- Eleven Mile Canyon and Dream Stream!
- Elk Hair Caddis
- Epic Dolores River Conclusion!
- Everglades Special
- Evil Olive
- Feather Wing Caddis
- Fire Tiger
- Fishing Oceanside harbor
- Fishing a redfish Tournament
- Fishing in a Texas City
- Fishing in the Jemez Mountains
- Fishing not Allowed
- Fishing south Texas in the heat of Summer!
- Fishing the Gulf in the heat of Summer
- Fishing the San Antonio Riverwalk
- Fishing with a Subscriber
- Flash Winged Ant
- Flashy CDC Midge Emerger
- Fly Fishing Corpus in the Winter
- Fly fishing for Sunfish
- Fly fishing the beach can be tough
- Fly fishing the surf!
- Fly fishing with the kids
- Foam shrimp
- Frenchie
- Full Back Flash Back BH Pheasant Tail
- GFA Hopper
- GFI Hopper
- GTI Caddis
- Gamechanger
- Griffiths Gnat
- Grub Fly
- Guadalupe River first time this year
- Guadelupe River Fly Fishing
- Guides Choice Hares Ear Jig
- Gulf of Mexico Fishing in a Tropical Storm
- Half and Half Fly
- Hares Ear
- Harpeth River Tennessee in Winter
- Hollow Surf Candy
- How to tie the Gamechanger
- Hybrid Carp Fly
- It's like a box of chocolates...
- Kayak Fishing the Medina River
- Kayak spills, a couple times, while Fishing
- Klinkhammer
- Kwan Fly
- LW Reel Review
- Large Frog Bass Popper
- Large Gurgler Fly
- Last Chance Cripple
- Lefty's Deceiver
- Lefty’s Deceiver
- Llano Bug
- Llano bug
- Massive San Juan Trout
- Matts Midge
- McFly's Hook Worm
- Medina River after a drought
- Medina in the Winter
- Micro Crayfish
- Mini Deveiver
- Mini Feathered Gamechanger
- Mini Gamechanger
- Mini McCraw Fly
- Mini Surf Candy
- Molas Lake, Colorado
- Mop Grub
- Most Powerful Trout Ever!
- My sons first River Trip
- New Redington Butterstick Review!
- No Waste CDC Caddis
- No tie, panfish fly
- Panfish Gurgler
- Parachute Adams
- Parasol Midge
- Pats Rubber Legs
- Pats Rubber Legs Original
- Pats rubber legs
- Peaking Caddis Jig Fly
- Perdigon
- Perdigon - Brown Quill Flash Back
- Perdigon - Caddis Pupae
- Perdigon - Frenchi
- Perdigon - Midge Larvae Pupa
- Perdigon Fly
- Perdigon Fly - Red Flash
- Pheasant Tail
- Pine Squirrel Leech
- Pop a Top Popper
- Prince Nymph
- Quarantine Fishing
- RS2
- RS2 Emerger
- Rabbit Clawed Crab
- Rabbit Crack
- Rabbit Leech
- Rainbow Warrior
- Redfish Crack
- Redfish Cracklin
- Redfish all day long!
- Redfish, we found the perfect spot!
- Rio Bandito Fly
- Rio Getter
- Royal Coachman
- Royal Wulff
- Royal Wulff with a Twist!
- Seaducer
- Simple Ant dry fly
- Simple Bunny Leech
- Simple Crayfish
- Size 30 Black Beauty Midge
- Slump Buster
- Small Creek Fishing
- Small Looped Zonker Streamer
- So many Fish!
- Soft Hackle Dry Fly
- Soft Hackle Emerging Caddis
- Soft Wooly Bugger
- Some nice bass!
- Sometimes even slow days end great!
- South Texas fishing with a 3wt
- Split Tail Shad
- Squid Brush Fly
- Squirrel Tail Brush Minnow
- Squishy Head Streamer - Green Shad
- Steel Bunny
- Stiff Wooly Bugger
- Stimulator
- Stimulator
- Stimulator style Caddis
- Swimming Finger Mullet
- Teaching a kid to fly fish
- Texas Fly Fishing in Winter
- The Amazing Dry Fly Bite!
- The Better Bodkin
- The Bling Midge
- The Bream Killer
- The Bully Bluegill Fly
- The Carp Bug
- The Hares Ear
- The Perfect Egg
- The Prince Nymph
- The San Juan River 3 years later
- The San Juan Worm
- The Texas Gulf
- The Zug Bug
- This day was a redfish record for me
- Tie a fly with your Waste
- Top water foam frog
- Traditional Feather Winged Streamer
- Trout Fishing in Texas!?
- Two Bit Hooker
- Very tiny creek. Tons of fish!
- WD 40
- WD40
- Western Coachman
- Wooly Bugger
- You win some, you Loose some!
- Zebra Midge
- Zebra Midge and Variations